Entering Our "Reels" Era. Why Speaker Reels Are Important for Programming Events!

Entering Our "Reels" Era. Why Speaker Reels Are Important for Programming Events!

Struggling to pick the perfect speaker for your event? Video is your secret weapon, and speaker reels are the ultimate timesaver for decision-making. Learn why speaker reels can be the most efficient way to assess if a speaker is the right selection for your event. And don’t forget: No reel doesn’t equal bad speaker.

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The Future of Human Technology Interaction

The Future of Human Technology Interaction

Emerging and existing technologies such as telemedicine, wearable sensors and virtual and augmented reality all have the potential to help change us as individuals and communities for the better. Dr. Cori Lathan, neuroscientist and inventor, discusses tech advances that have emerged during the pandemic and what it will mean for the future of human-technology interactions.

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