The Future of Human Technology Interaction

We have epidemics affecting our brain health at all ages, from concussions to sleep deprivation and from depression to Alzheimer's disease—and now we have COVID-19, which affects our brain directly through the virus and indirectly through the effects of isolation and stress. Emerging and existing technologies such as telemedicine, wearable sensors and virtual and augmented reality all have the potential to help change us as individuals and communities for the better. 

Dr. Cori Lathan is a neuroscientist, inventor and the founder and CEO of AnthroTronix, a biomedical research and development company. In her Candid Conversation, Dr. Lathan discussed some of the technology advances and trends that have emerged during the pandemic and what it will mean for the future of human-technology interaction.

“One of the most exciting things that have silver linings, so to speak, that has come out of the pandemic crisis is the increase in telemedicine,” stated Dr. Lathan. Though, she believes there is still much room for improvement. Dr. Lathan continued, “Telemedicine right now still means video calls and phone calls, but we still have a long way to go with telehealth. What does it mean not just to do a video visit and track the patient every couple of months -- but really start implementing tools, whether it’s wearable sensors or better data collection or an app that they can prescribe? All of that has yet to emerge, and it’s a very exciting time for telemedicine.”  

Dr. Lathan also discussed:

  • The neurological and mental health after-effects of COVID-19 and the kinds of new technology that are emerging to treat these after-effects

  • Recommendations for brain health while we are physically distancing and practicing alternative schedules 

  • Tips for those in leadership roles who have had to make tough decisions about laying off employees, managing their workforce remotely and other stress-inducing decisions

Watch Dr. Lathan’s full Candid Conversation!



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