2021 NYC Pride: Dr. Paula Stone Williams continues the fight with her newly released memoir

2021 NYC Pride: Dr. Paula Stone Williams continues the fight with her newly released memoir

NYC Pride is perhaps the most magical time of the year in the city. The celebration beams with spirit, joy, imagination, zeal, and remembrance. Since its first inception in 1970, the LGTBQIA community and friends across New York City have gathered in common spaces - from local businesses to parks - to reflect on the long history of activism; to demonstrate the power of love, belonging, and solidarity; and to protest for equal rights.

We continue the long tradition of bringing the fight not only to the streets and our living rooms but perhaps more urgently, to the classroom and the boardroom. Power and access are largely found in and distributed through the corporate world; consequently, corporations have a distinctively unique social responsibility to educate staff on inequities and invest in equitable solutions. Outspoken speaker, Dr. Paula Stone Williams, understands the importance of educating workplace staff on the relationship between power and gender.

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Advice on Discussing the Subjects of Race, Class and Gender at Work from Denise Hamilton and Jenna Arnold

Advice on Discussing the Subjects of Race, Class and Gender at Work from Denise Hamilton and Jenna Arnold

A major shift is happening to answer the calls of systematic racism and discrimination in the workplace. While there is no instant solution to combating these inequalities, progress can and should be made now—and it starts with us. Furthermore, book clubs, workshops and reading lists that all discuss the topics of race and inclusivity are growing.

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How Do You Lead When Everything Has Changed? A Candid Conversation with Josh Levine

How Do You Lead When Everything Has Changed? A Candid Conversation with Josh Levine

Josh Levine, company culture expert and author, spoke about how to create allyship for colleagues and employees. He discusses how the landscape of working remotely has changed everything about the workplace and good leadership means making more time to check in on employees' wellbeing.

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