Workplace Burnout and Energy Management

As the pandemic stretches on, workplace burnout—especially remote workplace burnout—is growing at a rapid rate. On top of balancing a new work and home lifestyle, many are facing stress from our children being at home for the upcoming school year combined with possible health and job security concerns. If all of these changes have you feeling burned out, know that you are not alone. Millions of others are feeling the same way. 

Despite the many changes we’re all experiencing, our speakers Kelsey Patel and Jill Payne are here to give advice on helping you beat burnout, create healthy work-life boundaries and be your best self at work. Keep reading to learn more about some of their resources! 

How Can Unhealthy Ambition Lead to Burnout?

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How do you recognize the mild signs of burnout before exhaustion takes over?  According to Kelsey Patel, one of Hollywood’s leading wellness and reiki experts, including the leading voice for reiki and energy healing for MindBodyGreen, you should consider one underlying and possibly misinterpreted signal—unhealthy ambition. You can read the full article here

It can be difficult to recognize the triggers of prolonged stress, which research shows are a leading factor of burnout. It can be even harder to recognize these triggers if they are disguised as ambition. “Finding that slight overlap between ambition and exhaustion,” says Patel, “is the key to identifying your burnout.”

According to Kelsey, these signs may be indicators that you are disguising stress as ambition. 

  • Feeling that there's always more to do, even after a busy and productive workday. 

  • Noticing that your mind is continuing to race before you complete the task at hand. 

The next time you are tempted to start thinking this way, Kelsey recommends that you take a short mental break to clear your mind and acknowledge the tasks you have already accomplished. Recognizing “small wins” throughout the day is healthy, and it can help you to feel more optimistic and satisfied when it comes to your goals and ambitions! 

Learn more about Kelsey here

Train Your Body, Mind and Dialogue With Energy Management

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Training your body, mind and dialogue to create positive energy during these uncertain times might seem impossible, but with these tips from Jill Payne, an energy-positive and highly trained speaker, it is not as hard as you might think! 

For the body, Jill recommends to let your posture guide you. The foundation of energy management is the ability to use our bodies to create energy that can boost our mood, improve our mental state and serve as a launchpad for amazing experiences throughout our day, and our posture surprisingly has a lot to do with that. Sit tall, lift your chest, reach the crown of your head to the sky or even try a power pose! Remember, we control our bodies, and we can train our nervous systems to react positively to subtle changes that our bodies make. 

For focus, Jill recommends that we allow positive thinking to elevate our channel. With the current pandemic and state of the world around us, it is easy to become focused on problems, what is not working, what we don’t have, and who we can blame. When we focus on the negative, our energy becomes so low that we can only focus on suffering emotions. Our job is to increase our energy and focus on new insights. Jill recommends taking a few minutes to focus on something good and write about it. This will allow you to feel more positive about your problems and view them from a different perspective.  

Finally, for dialogue, Jill wants us to remember that our beliefs hold the power. Our thoughts influence our beliefs, and our beliefs manifest into our energy which influences our actions and ultimately, creates results. If something is not going well in your life, it is a direct result of this cycle. Jill recommends that you think about an area of your life that is experiencing some trouble. What is the belief you have that is creating that pattern? What if you replaced that belief with one that is completely opposite? How would that impact your results? Write about it. Say it out loud. Say it silently in your head. You can generate your own change if you try to! 

You can learn more about Jill here

If you are interested in booking Kelsey Patel or Jill Payne to speak or lead a wellness workshop for your next virtual event or employee program, or you would like to learn more about Outspoken Agency, please contact us!