Grow a mo, save a bro... Let's talk men's health

This month, we’re all about men’s health. In honor of Movember and Adam Garone, we want to talk about the topics men avoid—checking for testicular cancer in the shower, suicidal thoughts, scheduling a prostate exam.

In particular, we want to share more about Adam. Adam recently left his role as CEO of the Movember Foundation, as he begins to focus on creating and building new fundraising products and becomes the chief advocate for men’s health.

Adam is particularly interested in combating the suicide rates that plague men at a younger age. Earlier this year, he wrote a piece for Huffington Post and created a Facebook campaign for #itsokaytotalk to encourage men to join the conversation. Adam has had mates succumb to mental health issues and suicide, and it’s one of his main goals to engage in meaningful conversation to stop this problem with men around the world.

As women, we may get annoyed with the scruff they're growing, but we’re proud of the ribbon they wear on their upper lips in the name of men’s health. Outspoken will feature multiple blog posts, social media updates, and more exciting things regarding men’s health this month. We hope it’ll lead to thoughtful conversation and even save some lives.

Why we started Outspoken in the first place

Outspoken Founders
Outspoken Co-founders Caitie, Tara and Tori

We set out to build this company with tremendous goals and hopes for what it will become, and with overwhelming excitement about owning our work and creating something that we truly believe in. Before jumping off the entrepreneurial cliff, we each found ourselves in the midst of stale positions without truly feeling meaning and purpose behind our work. Even though we were surrounded by the biggest and brightest, the inspirational and aspirational, the purposeful and meaningful—a truly rare breed of exceptional individuals, there was something missing in our day to day. It was because of this that we decided it was time to create a business that we wanted to work at—to work for a company that truly did what it said it did and was absolutely reflective of those individuals it represented. We’d talked the talked. We wanted to walk the walk.

Being women in any extension of the entertainment business can be tough in and of itself. But to be women business owners in this industry is all, but unheard of. And to come to the plate with this level of talent and support is absolutely overwhelming in the best of ways. There is tremendous hope (and obvious pressure) for us to succeed. And we can, without reservation, attest to the support of our talent, clients, family and friends as the driving force that is catapulting us into a positive space when realizing what we are about to embark on.

You may recognize some familiar faces and associations from our past agency lives to our present agency today. What we will offer as to why this has happened is simply that the relationships we’ve built throughout our careers have been a driving force in making Outspoken a reality. Because of the authenticity of the relationships we forged, those individuals have stayed with us and will hopefully remain with us for years to come. You may see people come and go from our company, but you will always know that there is something very special about these individuals. And we are deeply grateful for our association with them during that time. We can only hope that our gratitude and respect for all is ever-present and understood.

As one speaker put it when describing the perfect agency brand “It has to capture the power of speaking to change minds and change lives. To connect you with something authentic. Original. Critical. Thought-provoking.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

Our goal is to create positive, long-lasting results by providing messaging that transcends the original delivery. Our speakers want to have impact beyond that powerful message delivered at an event. Their work doesn’t stop at the end of a speech so why should their impact stop at the end of your program? Let us help give more meaning to your engagements. We think you’ll be excited about what we have in mind.

We cannot tell you how excited, hopeful, and nervous we are for what is about to unfold. It has been a long time coming and we are beyond ready to create something really special with our speakers, colleagues, and clients. We look forward to the days, weeks, months and years ahead. We will live up to what Outspoken means, and we will be engaged within this community for years to come. Our lives have been affected positively by this industry, and we hope to continue to pay it forward with making a difference in others lives by doing a damn good job.

“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense.” - Thomas A. Edison

We’ve got those covered.

Bust it,

Caitie, Tara & Tori