Leading Change: Expert Speakers to Drive Organizational Success and Innovation

In this ever-evolving business landscape with distributed work environments, time management challenges, and burnout on the rise, the role of leadership has never been more crucial in driving stability and innovation. As businesses strive to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive environment, the need for trained and empathetic leaders is paramount. Contrary to popular belief, effective leadership isn't an innate trait, but rather a skill that can be nurtured and developed over time. Understanding this fundamental premise is key to unlocking the full potential of organizational success.

Dispelling the myth of the "born leader," history is replete with examples of renowned leaders who honed their abilities through experience and education. Leadership development programs play a pivotal role in cultivating these skills, providing individuals with the necessary tools and strategies to excel in leadership roles. By acknowledging that leadership is a journey of continuous learning and growth, organizations can invest in their future success by nurturing and developing their leadership talent—this includes middle management. Through structured training and mentorship, aspiring leaders can refine their abilities, ultimately driving innovation and propelling their organizations to new heights of achievement.

Empathetic leadership stands as a cornerstone for fostering innovation within organizations. By understanding and connecting with the experiences, emotions, and perspectives of their teams, leaders can create environments that stimulate creativity and collaboration. Michael Ventura, renowned expert in empathetic leadership, emphasizes the transformative power of empathy in driving innovation. Through his expertise, Michael illustrates how empathetic leaders inspire trust, encourage risk-taking, and cultivate a culture of psychological safety where diverse ideas flourish. By prioritizing empathy in their leadership approach, organizations can unlock untapped potential, fueling a continuous cycle of innovation and growth.

Leading With Empathy: Four-Part Training Program

This program is designed for leaders of all levels to learn the foundations of this important work and embody it meaning fully for their personal and professional development.

Session 1: Empathy 101
A primer on what empathy is/isn’t, a series of frameworks and behaviors to help make it a more embodiable, practiced skill. This session is designed for leaders of all levels to learn the basics of empathy.

Session 2: The Whole Self
A deep dive on personal, interior empathy. A series of 7 exercises designed to understand and reflect upon cultivating greater inner empathy.

Session 3: Archetypes in Action
A discussion of various empathic archetypes and styles of working, followed by a series of exercises to practice working with your archetypes in small groups. Exercises are followed by full group discussion.

Session 4: Unblocking with Empathy
An interactive final workshop designed to utilize the Whole Self and Archetypes to guide groups of 3 in an exercise to collaboratively solve problems using newfound perspective. This is followed by a commitments exercise that helps people prioritize near term actions to bring into their lives after taking these 4 sessions.

When it comes to driving organizational success and fostering innovation, selecting the right speakers can be instrumental. Outspoken Agency proudly represents a lineup of women leadership experts poised to inspire and guide your leadership journey.

With a focus on gender equity and inclusive leadership, Paula Stone Williams brings invaluable insights into creating diverse and thriving workplaces. Her expertise in honing individual talent and fostering inclusive cultures resonates with organizations striving for innovation through equity and inclusion.

The Talk: Break Barriers and Build Connections: Foundations of Effective Communications and Understanding

Paula delivers a compelling message on the importance of genuine listening in a world marked by division. Drawing on her personal experiences, she emphasizes the need to challenge assumptions, embrace differing perspectives, and communicate effectively with empathy and integrity.

Renowned for her expertise in leadership communication and fostering innovation, Mary Abbajay empowers leaders to effectively communicate vision and drive change within their organizations. Her dynamic approach equips leaders with the skills needed to navigate today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

The Talk: Why Your Team Hates You and What You Can Do About It

Mary delivers an insightful talk on managerial behaviors that unknowingly demotivate teams and decrease organizational productivity, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and intentional leadership to foster a culture of high performance and retention.

With a focus on empowering women and underrepresented minorities in tech and innovation, Kimberly Bryant brings a unique perspective to the table. Her advocacy for diversity and inclusion inspires leaders to champion equity and drive innovation through diverse perspectives.

The Talk: Empowering Women in Leadership: A Journey

In this talk, Kimberly emphasizes the importance of women's empowerment in leadership, calling for diverse voices to reshape conversations. She advocates for action to dismantle gender biases and discusses the specific challenges faced by Black women in positions of power, urging for a movement towards inclusive leadership norms.

With a background in organizational management and leadership development, Watchen Nyanue offers practical strategies for driving organizational success through effective leadership. Her expertise in navigating complex organizational challenges and fostering a culture of innovation makes her a valuable asset for any leadership event or conference.

The Talk: High Impact Mentorship: Fostering Retention and Belonging

Watchen presents insights into the shortcomings of conventional corporate mentorship programs, highlighting the challenges of a one-size-fits-all approach and the pitfalls of focusing solely on titles and savior complexes. She offers alternative strategies that prioritize fit and high-impact mentorship, reframing the role of mentorship in fostering employee retention.

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Outspoken Agency is a women-owned speaking agency representing leaders, founders, public intellectuals, authors and entertainers for paid keynotes, workshops and panels at in-person and virtual events. Learn more about our female founders here.